Thursday, May 26, 2011

A notched ears meeroo

I saw a notched ears meeroo on a bid board, starting bid 8500L. Wish I had one too. =)

12:34am SLT
26 May 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Meeroos' baby!

Two meeroos in love and building nest together! Finally I managed to take a picture of this, although it is a bit blurry. During beta, I was not fast enough to get the snapshot. :D

11:40pm SLT
23 May 2011

Sleeping Meeroos

I took this picture yesterday after I petted them when they were sleeping. They are my friend's meeroos.
I edited it a bit, and make it my desktop wallpaper. :)

11:06pm SLT
23 May 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Kirsten Viewer and Meeroos

I saw three different backgrounds. :)
Masked Japan, Nile Egypt, and a Second Chapter. But wait, I missed one out. There is another background, Savanna Africa. All you need to do is be patient, continue to click on "Next background" and you will see it.