Monday, August 22, 2011

Meepet Transformation Part 1

Meepets do not breed.
Meepets eat free honey!
Meepets will never run away.

1) First of all, you need to get a Honey Dipper from either market place or inworld.

** Make sure the meeroo you want to transform it into a meepet is attached to your own stump. It is not working if it was attached to fellowship stump.


2) Wear the Honey Dipper.

You will get this in local chat:

[20:47] Mee-Pet Honey Dipper V1.0 (WEAR ME): Please touch a meeroo to activate the menu.


3) Touch the meeroo you want to make it a meepet. You will see blue menu, choose "MEEPET". You will get this in local chat:

[20:47] Mee-Pet Honey Dipper V1.0 (WEAR ME): You have two minutes to type the name of the meeroo: Prismy ID# 105592 in local chat to confirm transformation. It must match exactly.


4) Type that meeroo's name. To make sure it is correct, you can just copy and paste it's name. YOU ONLY NEED TO TYPE THE NAME, NOT INCLUDE THE ID#.

[20:48]  loveJay Yuhara: Prismy


5) And wait.

[20:48]  Mee-Pet Honey Dipper V1.0 (WEAR ME): Please hold, updating the database...
[20:48]  Mee-Pet Honey Dipper V1.0 (WEAR ME): Your meeroo has been transformed, it should rebuild automatically now, if not, please use your HUD.

The animation looks like when you are petting it. You will see blue sparkles like when they were born or when they were rebuilding. And you have successfully transformed it into a meepet! Yay!

~ to be continued~

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